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Educator - Job Profile With High Demand.

Would you like to be a role model for future generations and like to work with children and young people? Then become an educator and secure a job with a future! The targeted care and support of children and adolescents is the core of the educator profession. Educators therefore take on a responsible task in society – they are role models, caregivers and mediators in one person. In addition to strong nerves, this also requires a high degree of empathy.

100% Job Opportunities.

100% Funding Possible.

Subject-Specific Additional Qualifications.

Background information on training as an educator.

What tasks do educators have?
Educators take care of the supervision, care, upbringing, education, promotion and care of children, adolescents or disabled people. In this context, they work closely with parents, teachers or youth welfare offices. Organizational tasks are also part of the educator job: educational measures and activities must be planned and documented in detail.
What are the requirements for educators?
In order to take up the profession of educator, one must have state-recognized training, e.g. B. at a technical school. Despite different training courses and priorities, the vocational qualification is recognized by all federal states in Germany. A budding educator should bring empathy, patience, stress resistance and physical fitness.
Where do educators work?
Trained educators can work in all areas of social education. They work in crèches, daycare centers, kindergartens, in preparatory schools and elementary schools, in special and special educational institutions, in day care or home facilities, in open youth work, in administration, in assisted living arrangements and in places for the disabled. Management tasks are also performed by educators.
What future prospects do educators have?
Educators belong to a sought-after professional group. The percentage of women in this professional group is still very high despite slight improvements. Male educators are therefore all the more popular. Despite falling birth rates, the childcare profession is a future-oriented profession due to the expansion of childcare options in pre-school and all-day schools.

Funding opportunities for training as an educator.

Have you decided to start an apprenticeship as an educator?
There are different ways of funding from the employment agency, the job center or the country.
Since the funding is subject to country-specific regulations, there is no uniform regulation.
Let us advise you on the funding options available.

Internship abroad during training.

Finland, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Great Britain, Denmark or something else?We support everyone who wants to gain experience abroad during their training as an educator.

Kindergarten teacher - questions and answers.

What are the prerequisites for training as an educator?
You should be empathetic, patient, loving and have a strong social streak. Since you work with many people, you should be a team player. Another requirement is a “clean” certificate of good conduct, because you look after children and young people, i.e. groups of people who are particularly worth protecting.
How can I optimally prepare for the interview?
A trial internship in a daycare center or other facility where children and young people work is ideal. This shows your potential employer that you are genuinely interested and has the great advantage that you learn what is part of the duties of an educator. Otherwise you should prepare and bring all application documents with you. As in any job, an open and honest charisma is also an advantage here.
Why do I need proof of my health suitability for the training?
As a kindergarten teacher, it is sometimes necessary that crib children in particular also have to be carried or lifted up. The educators should also be able to do this physically. Physical fitness is also in demand when it comes to defusing dangerous situations – for example, rapid intervention when children are at risk of falling off the monkey bars.
Which school-leaving qualification or further qualification is required for training as an educator?

That varies from state to state. But what applies to all those interested in training: As a prerequisite for entry, you need a secondary school leaving certificate and at least two years of vocational training in the social sector. Here, for example, training as a social assistant at a technical school or in Bavaria at a technical academy is ideal.
Vocational training is therefore required, which can usually be proven by a previous professional qualification. The advanced vocational qualification is based on this training.
If you have successfully completed this, you have the chance to shorten the subsequent educator training. In addition, all possible professional experience is taken into account.
The training takes place in a so-called technical school (in Bavaria: technical academy), the technical school being located one level above the vocational school. Let us advise you!

How long does the training for educators take?

The training as an educator normally lasts three years. With the appropriate previous professional experience, however, the training period can be shortened.

What are the contents of the training as an educator?
  • A large part of the training takes up the pedagogical area (social pedagogy). You will learn how to shape educational relationships and support group processes.
  • They analyze the lives of children and young people, structure them and help shape them.
  • You will learn how to develop cultural and creative skills and work with the media.
  • Another important aspect is professional work with parents and families.
  • In addition, you complete the practical part of the training in various institutions, such as daycare centers.
  • Last but not least, there is an interdisciplinary area that includes learning content such as German, mathematics and other topics.
What does an educator earn during training?

Educators do not receive any remuneration during their training. Saxony-Anhalt is an exception. There, the trainees are in the internship throughout the third year of the apprenticeship and usually receive a training allowance during the practical phase. However, this varies from institution to institution and according to the respective carrier tariff. Those who do not receive training allowance can apply for BAföG.
In Berlin, the retraining to become an educator has been supported by the Employment Agency through an education voucher since 2018.

What does the career path look like after training as an educator?

Educators work in many fields of work or different institutions, such as

  • in (integration) kindergartens
  • in cribs
  • in all-day schools (after-school care)
  • in children’s homes
  • in disabled facilities
  • in the open child and youth work
  • in child and youth welfare institutions
  • in children’s and youth leisure facilities.

After graduation, there are various further qualifications, for example:

  • Practice instructor
  • Additional educational qualification
  • Quality management officer

With a (part-time) degree in social pedagogy, the way is prepared to rise to management positions.

What salary does an educator receive after completing the training?

The average starting salary is around 2,500 euros gross, although there are differences depending on the federal state and institution.