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Important patient support.

Nursing assistants support nurses in caring for and caring for people in need of care. The work is intensive and multi-layered: In addition to physical care and support, old and sick people in particular need social closeness and personal attention. As a “good soul”, nursing assistants are always open to their patients, but also to their relatives.

Details on training nursing assistants.

What are the tasks of a nursing assistant?
Nursing assistants assist the qualified specialists in the areas of health and nursing as well as in child nursing. They provide support in the care and care of patients, in therapy measures and in the documentation and organization of care. They provide specific help with personal hygiene and the control of temperature, pulse, blood pressure and breathing of the patients. The administration of medication, the transfer and repositioning of patients, the distribution of meals and the transport to examinations and treatments also fall within the area of responsibility of a nursing assistant. The area of responsibility also includes cleanliness and hygiene on the ward: sick rooms must be cleaned up, beds made and instruments cleaned and disinfected.
What requirements does a nursing assistant have to meet?
A sense of responsibility and empathy are essential in nursing care. Dealing with the patient and responsibility for the hygienic conditions in care facilities require conscientious and structured wor
What are the classic areas of application for nursing assistants?
The skills of health and nursing assistants are in demand in hospitals, specialist practices or health centers. But also homes for the elderly and nursing homes, outpatient services, short-term care facilities and dormitories for people with disabilities are happy to receive support from nursing assistants.