The WBS Training
team members.

Dana Kähne
CEO - WBS Training International Project

Dr. Arati Sarabhai
Chief Business Officer – India
I am very glad to introduce WBS Training India. We will strive to provide the best opportunity for the skilled people to work in an international environment best suited to their abilities
I am very glad to introduce WBS Training India. We will strive to provide the best opportunity for the skilled people to work in an international environment best suited to their abilities

Martina Wagner
Senior Director WBS Training International Project

Mr. Qing Schmitz
Designation: Coordinator for India

Tatjana Janevski
Team Assistant WBS Recruiting International

Lisa Zink
Consultant International Project
I am looking forward to welcoming you to WBS Training in Germany. I am here to support you in order to make your start in Germany as smooth as possible. Please feel free to share with us any concerns that you might have, we will help you.
I am looking forward to welcoming you to WBS Training in Germany. I am here to support you in order to make your start in Germany as smooth as possible. Please feel free to share with us any concerns that you might have, we will help you.

Frau Sorina Chirita
Consultant International Project
I am looking forward to welcoming you to WBS Training in Germany. I am here to support you in order to make your start in Germany as smooth as possible. Please feel free to share with us any concerns that you might have, we will help you.
I am looking forward to welcoming you to WBS Training in Germany. I am here to support you in order to make your start in Germany as smooth as possible. Please feel free to share with us any concerns that you might have, we will help you.